August 31, 2014

Gnats vs Camels – Matthew 15:10-20

Passage: Matthew 15:10-20
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In anticipation of our tendency with modern ears, to distinguish ourselves self-righteously from the first century Pharisee... let us pray for ears to hear. Consider the difference in audience reaction when these words were first spoken as Matthew Henry insightfully notes: “ The Pharisees were offended, but kept it to themselves: hating to be reformed, they hated to be informed: but the disciples, though offended, sought for satisfaction, imputing the offense, not to the doctrine delivered, but to the shallowness of their own capacity” Consider for instance this sample application of Mat 15... Are we ever guilty of judging anything a better use of time, money or effort, and in so doing, break the commandment of God or make void the Word of Christ? Just one possible example is born out statistically these days in contrast to 100 plus years ago.... A typical family in America currently maintains a home twice the square footage of former generations, housing less than 1⁄2 the children on average, carrying 7 times the debt!

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