May 22, 2016

Glory vs. Jerusalem – Matthew 23:31-39

Passage: Matthew 23:31-39
Service Type:

Having recently studied II Sam 24 and noting the parallel text in I Chron 21... the contrasts in the record of scripture with respect to the events surrounding the temple appear telling and striking. The pharisees who are condemned in Matthew 23 by the 7 woes of Christ are truly the 'anti-Araunah' figures in this account. David, as king of Israel, had ascended this very mount centuries before to intercede for the people as a plague swept the land on account of his own sin. Araunah, a converted Jebusite, paid homage to the king (II Sam 24:20) bowing low before him. This man offered his livelihood to David to sacrifice before the Lord and his farm became the location of the temple (I Chron 21:1-5). The sinless, incarnate Son of David now ascends this very hill in the gospel of Matthew. Some pay homage but the leaders do not. They seek to turn away the Son of God Himself from His own house! Truly it will be left to them desolate...

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