October 5, 2014

Ghostwriter of Hebrews – Psalm 110, Hebrews

Passage: Psalm 110, Hebrews
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Although the author of Hebrews remains anonymous to the modern reader, its “ghostwriter” does not. The Holy Spirit's signature is all over this magnum opus. There is also the stunning influence of Ps 110 as if the Psalmist cowrote Hebrews. Some textual scholars have proposed that the book of Hebrews could well be a sermon where the preacher takes as his text, Psalm 110. Given the 13 references to Ps 110 throughout the book, this hypothesis becomes believable. Greater still is the probability of this claim when one considers the outline Psalm 110 provides for the entire book. Even more emphasis on the importance of Psalm 110, to the New Testament generally, is seen when considering its 13 references in other N.T. Books (Mk 12:35, 14:62, 16:19 for example). In Hebrews, our author alludes to Ps 110 six times with reference to the ascension and 7 times with reference to the priestly work of Christ. Thus Christ the King/Priest of the Melchizedek order is gloriously manifest from cover to cover.

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