January 29, 2023

Genesis 42:21-38 – THE GRACE OF GUILT

Passage: Genesis 42:21-38

Joseph's brothers confess: “In truth we are guilty concerning our brother...”. How is the divinely decreed path of life's circumstances leading Joseph and his brothers at this time? This text illustrates how the grace of guilt is moving the brothers to a confession of sin, while the grace of covenant promises is leading Joseph to compassionate forgiveness. A theme surfacing in this passage that might first occur to the reader is the far reaching consequences and multi-generational nature of sin. Disturbing similarities and patterns keep emerging in these snapshots of mankind's history, reminding us of the inescapable horror of a fallen world short of sovereign intervention. From Cain and Able, to Ishmael and Isaac, to Jacob and Esau, to Joseph and his brothers... the legacy of wickedness and family strife continues. A 2nd major theme becomes clear in light of unfolding revelation to come. In Gen 42, sons are offered as collateral or “property pledged by the borrower to protect the interests of the lender”. Our passage features several examples of a life offered in the place of others. This feature of the Joseph narrative foreshadows the substitutionary mediation and sacrifice of Jesus Christ in the place of His people. Simeon is bound as collateral. Reuben offers his two sons as surety to Jacob. Jacob is reluctant to send Benjamin to Egypt, not realizing his other beloved son Joseph is ministering in this capacity. In summary this theme communicates: If the obligation is not fulfilled, the man himself will be the payment.