March 22, 2020

From Justification to Hope – Romans 5:1-5

Passage: Romans 5:1-5
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Paul continues to expound the significance and implications of Genesis 15:6 as this revelation proves absolutely foundational to the nature of salvation. All of Romans 4 and his summary language of Chapter 5 are centered on the application of this text. From time to time, a statement or phrase will be highlighted by the scriptures themselves that proves to be the seed or source of the full flowering of further revelation. This proves to be the case with passages like Gen 3:15, Ps 110, and our text referent today, Gen 15:6. In chapter 5, Paul's opening remarks answer the question: “What follows from justification?”. What are the consequences, results, or effects of justification by faith? This theme is signaled by the transitional phrase: “therefore since..” (as a result of justification by faith the following is true). These effects have a causal chain and cumulative quality to them. As a causal chain, Paul lays out the benefits of justification as a series of conditions stemming from a primary cause. We are familiar with this idea in the physical sciences... think of a domino chain, or a key turning in an ignition. When God justifies us in His sovereignty, by the instrument of faith, the believer's engine roars to life with all the potential expounded in our text today. Everything stemming from justification builds toward the “un-shamable” hope of the believer's eternal destiny...

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