Fortunes Restored (and Baptism Sunday) – Psalm 53
October 11, 2015

Fortunes Restored (and Baptism Sunday) – Psalm 53

Passage: Psalm 53
Service Type:

Psalm 53 is the 2nd of eight psalms of related theme compiled in this section of the Psalter. Psalms 52-60 are a collection of Maskils and Miktams extolling and encouraging by declaring the faithfulness and surety of God in the midst of His people even when they find themselves in the midst of enemies. Psalm 53 serves well to remind us, in these kind of circumstances, that there is not only an enemy without, but also within. Ps 14 is echoed and magnified by Psalm 53, reminding us that original sin and our need of salvation are of utmost importance to the consciousness of His people. The transcendent perspective of these psalms is evident when dusted by the Spirit-renewed mind revealing all the fingerprints of divine inspiration/revelation. Here we read the universal diagnosis of sin and the exclusive saving prescription.

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