September 5, 2021

FORTIFIED FAITH – 2 Peter 1:5-15

Passage: 2 Peter 1:5-15

Peter can be compared to a skilled health practitioner who upon assessing a patient's physical condition, prescribes a regimen of beneficial supplements to reinforce the immune system, muscle strength, and endurance. Similar to a nutritionist who might recommend vitamins, foods, or activities designed to fortify heath and vitality, Peter addresses the spiritual health of the early church in a similar way prescribing a regimen of supplements designed to fortify her faith. Consider the vast array of challenges the church has endured over the last 20 plus centuries. I was reminded recently of one of the earliest threats prophesied in Luke 17 which came by way of Roman conquest surrounding Jerusalem in A.D. 70. While the devastation to cultural jewish life and religious practice was monumental, including the destruction of the temple and the sacrificial practices of the Old Covenant, believers escaped this holocaust by paying heed to the Word of God delivered by way of prophecy through Jesus Himself. One of the distinguishing moments of the New Testament church came by way of fleeing to the hills at this time when Jerusalem was surrounded by enemies. Through Peter's writings the church of all ages is granted means to survive spiritual attack as well. The enemies of Jesus will never ultimately defeat the Body of Christ who heeds these words. The gates of hell will not prevail against the properly equipped church. Let us wisely assess our times and pay heed to these words in II Peter, that we may be sufficiently fortified...

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