September 30, 2018

Fallout of the Fall – Genesis 3:1-7

Passage: Genesis 3:1-7
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The Ominous opening words of Genesis chapter 3 (“Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made...”) signal a dramatic shift in the record. What soon follows is an entirely new reality for the nature and destiny of man and his progeny with absolutely devastating implications. The Scottish Puritan Thomas Boston expounds four categories of the human experience in light of redemptive history. His book: “Human Nature in its Four Fold State” identifies them as 1. Primitive integrity (innocence) 2. Entire depravity (fallen) 3. Begun recovery (regeneration) and 4. Consummate happiness or misery (glory or eternal judgement). Genesis 3 records the transition of man from his first to his second state. This fallen state is our universal experience now as sinners by inheritance and our own commission. The only hope is redemption through Jesus Christ the Savior and sacrifice and His redemptive work on Calvary. To appreciate in greater depth our great salvation, it is fruitful to consider the particulars of our “entire depravity”. Genesis 3 reveals these details for us to behold as we marvel at the 'fallout of the fall'...

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