May 7, 2023


Passage: Jude 16-23

These days discernment may be the least popular yet most needed of all spiritual disciplines to stay true to the faith once and for all delivered to us in the Holy Scriptures. Jude's exhortations to his believing readers anticipate the challenges we face in our day which require Biblical understanding, wisdom, and vigilance in contending for the faith. Verses 16-23 of Jude draw distinctions between the ungodly and the holy. The ungodly are identified with a list of sinful attributes which characterize their faithlessness, while the holy are exhorted to stand against them by applying their faith in key areas. These differences listed in 2 columns draw a stark contrast. On the one hand: the ungodly are described as grumblers and malcontents – following their own sinful desires – loud mouth boasters – showing favoritism to gain advantage – they are scoffers – following ungodly passions – they cause divisions – they are worldly people devoid of the Spirit. Opposed to them are the holy who are beloved – remembering the predictions of the apostles – building up their most holy faith – praying in the Spirit – keeping themselves in the love of God – waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus – extending mercy to those in doubt – saving others by snatching them from the fire – and showing mercy with fear hating even garments stained by the flesh. Today we consider loud mouth boasting as opposed to faith building in addition to favoritism as opposed to praying in the Spirit. Following Jude's model of 'whole council of God integration', today's sermon draws examples from the greater context of scripture to aid in our understanding of Jude's teaching.