March 27, 2022

FACING GOD – Genesis 32:13-32

Passage: Genesis 32:13-32

The setting, characters, and conflict in this account continue to provide a stage for the revelation of God to and through His covenant son Jacob (soon to be named Israel). Half way between the Sea of Galilee to the north and the Dead Sea to the south, the Jabbok river runs west seeking to join the Jordan. The river's name denotes a pouring out or wrestling/striving activity. This will prove fitting for the occasion. It is here that Jacob is toiling in anguish of soul fearing the prospect of encountering his estranged and slighted brother Esau. It is also at the Jabbok ford that Jacob's life of conflict reaches an apex as he spends a night striving with God, fighting for a blessing, desperate for reassurance in his crisis. Just as the the collective covenant son would pass safely through the waters of judgement and conflict generations later under Moses... their forefather Jacob would precede them in his own exodus. The presence of God tangibly accompanied Jacob as an encampment of angels (32:1-2) and here at the river's edge in theophany (God Himself revealed in corporeal manifestation), just as Yahweh would later accompany the children of Israel in cloud and fire across the Red Sea unto Canaan. This is not the first theophany witnessed by the patriarchs. Jacob's experience reminds the reader of his grandfather Abraham's visitation when towering fire pot and flaming torch passed through sacrifices in a covenant ratification oath event. In our text today, Jacob is freed from his conflict with Esau and assured covenant promises by similar divine intervention. Jacob's experience testifies that there can be no peace in our own souls or peace with others until we have peace with God....

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