July 27, 2014

Exodus Echoes – Matthew 14:13-36

Passage: Matthew 14:13-36
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The Exodus events of Israel’s history provide definitive covenantal imagery, concepts, and language intrinsic to the redemptive themes of scripture. Exodus 12 is a landmark chapter for the people of God declaring the significance of these events with a recalibration of the calendar, inaugural feasts, and generational commandments. Here the paschal lamb is revealed as a memorial forever. Thus, it is no surprise when one considers the Matthew narrative of Christ's miracles that Exodus is echoed between the lines and comes alive on the page like a pixelated 3-D image brought into focus by meditation through the lens of redemptive symbolism. Is 63:7-14 is a great summary passage highlighting the timeless language of salvation's history we see encoded in the miracles of Matthew 14.

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