February 2, 2020

Exile Living – I Peter 1:13-21

Passage: I Peter 1:13-21
Service Type:

In verses 10-12 Peter shapes the perspective of his readers reminding them of their privileged place in covenant history. Post-incarnation Christians are the heirs of revelation that is the envy of the prophets and angels. He emphasizes furthermore, that the coming sufferings and subsequent glories of Jesus Christ the Messiah captivated the imagination and spiritual affections of our fore-bearers in the faith and these meditations proved sufficient to keep them waiting faithfully despite the challenges of their day. Think of Daniel and his three friends by way of examples. Young Hebrews, conquered by the internationally influential empire of Babylon, led away from familiar surroundings of family, cultural heritage, sabbath worship, temple sacrifices, holy land, scriptural instruction, like minded countrymen, etc.. to be reeducated in the high courts of a foreign land, people, language, religion, culture, city, kingdom, and world-view. How could they possibly hope to survive these comprehensive, saturating influences of full Babylonian emersion? Peter's point, in part, is that their faith indeed survived on far less resources than we are privileged to access. So ground your hope in the glories of Christ revealed in His Gospel work accomplished and forthcoming in His kingdom consummation and thereby find your equipping to stand when tested...

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