December 16, 2018

Eve’s Heart Cry – 1 Samuel 2:1-10

Passage: 1 Samuel 2:1-10
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In our Genesis study, we have noted the hope invested in the cry of Eve in Genesis 4:1 when she exclaims: “I have gotten a man with the help of the Lord.” This moment occurs after the fall and banishment from Eden upon the birth of her son Cain. The Lord had promised, after all, that a future son of Eve would crush the serpent's head. Though Eve's hopes were not realized in her son Cain – far from it – nevertheless her heart cry lives on through the legacy of faithful women through the patriarchal period and into the judges/prophets. In many cases their anguish stems from bareness as they cry out to God to open their womb that they might bear a son and carry forward the hope of Eve. (Gen 21:6-7) Sarah, beloved yet barren wife of Abraham exclaims: “God has made laughter over me... Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? Yet I have born him a son in his old age.” She names her son Isaac – or – 'Laughter' as cynical doubt gives way to miraculous joy. Rachel, beloved yet barren wife of Jacob (Gen 30:22-24) joins the chorus of Eve's hope upon the birth of her son Joseph. She cries: “God has taken away my reproach”. Joseph goes forth to live out a messianic calling serving as a type in redemptive history pointing forward to the Christ yet to come. In the era of the judges/prophets this theme is echoed once again as the beloved yet barren wife of a certain man named Elkanah cries out for a son. Elkanah's wife's name is Hannah (I Sam 1:10-11). “she was deeply distressed and prayed...” Hannah's prayer life shifts from petition to praise in chapter 2 as she fulfills her vow to dedicate her son Samuel to the Lord at Shiloh. At this point in covenant history, the heart cry of Eve expands in particular prophetic beauty anticipating another yet to come...

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