July 24, 2016

Event Oracle – Matthew 24:36-44, II Peter 2:4-10

Passage: Matthew 24:36-44, II Peter 2:4-10
Service Type:

Today's message will be a brief excursus from our ordinary format to help reinforce our understanding of Biblical eschatology. We will rewind a little, slightly overlapping last week's text in order to develop, by comparative study, a concept I've labelled “Event Oracle”. This sermon will endeavor to explore the distinctive character of Biblical revelation especially as it relates to the correspondence of prophecy and history. All history is by the authorship of God. He has ordained that the narrative accounts of past events reinforce propositional truth. This contextual note seems especially important in the task of understanding Bible prophecy. Apostolic illumination is invaluable in this case. The disciples commissioned to record the Word of God under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, provide keys to interpreting the mysteries of Christ's words in the 5th discourse of Matthew. Our primary cross reference for this portion of the Olivet discourse will be II Peter as we note shared context and constructs that serve to illuminate, decode, echo, and emphasize Jesus' message of Kingdom Come in Matthew 24. (Definition) EVENT ORACLE: Historical circumstances which function as indispensable, decretive knowledge, declared by proxy, divine in origin.

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