November 23, 2014

Elemental Ecclesia – Matthew 16:13-28

Passage: Matthew 16:13-28
Service Type:

All of the surprising events recorded in Matthew's gospel have led up to setting the stage for this pivotal moment in Christ's ministry. Perhaps most surprising, and no doubt initially disheartening, for His followers would have been the widespread rejection of Christ nearly everywhere He travelled (His hometown, whole cities, people groups, the religious establishment, cultural centers). The tone of His preaching has altered accordingly (4:17) “...Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand...”. (11:20) denouncing unrepentant cities (12:39) sign of the prophet Jonah, (13:10-11) speaking in parables – a judgment of obscurity on obstinate hearers. All of this raises the question: how indeed would His kingdom be established? In Mat 16 we have an aspect of the answer... He would build His church. 'Ecclesia' is mentioned first here. This is the inauguration of Christ's conquering kingdom institution with generational vision. His kingdom agents would be vetted on the basis of faith and revelation from God himself. This anticipates Discourse #4 theme: The Church.

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