September 17, 2023


Passage: Genesis 47:21-27

Central to my thesis on this text is the difference in fortunes between the citizens of Egypt and the covenant family under the administration of Joseph (v:20-21 & 27). The taxation policies and the slavery of the people under famine conditions is the experience of the native citizens, while the Hebrews enjoy liberty and favor at this time. The account of the political and cultural dynamics of Egypt in Genesis 47 serve as a contrast and backdrop for the new nation God will establish under Moses upon exodus from this land. Review from last sermon: (...The nation of Israel's experience, identity, calling, and social order would be distinct from the pagans so as to glorify God and to be a light and blessing to the nations. (Gen 22:17-18) Prophesied that Abraham's lineage would both possess the gates of his enemies and become a blessing to all the nations of the earth. Fulfillment of this text is recorded in this passage, and will continue to be documented as God reveals the constitution of Israel in due course (Dt 4:5-8). Meanwhile, we analyze the constitution of Egypt at this time which codified slavery to the state foreshadowing a day when the Israelites themselves would fall victim to a future Pharaoh “who did not know Joseph” (Ex 1:8).