April 25, 2021

DYING IN FAITH – Genesis 23

Passage: Genesis 23

Toward the end of his days and upon the death of his beloved wife Sarah,  Abraham finally secures his first legal claim in the land of promise.  Burial preparations for Sarah provide occasion to negotiate for a cemetery plot that will house the bones of three generations of patriarchs awaiting the promises of God to be fulfilled beyond the grave.  This event profoundly illustrates faith superseding death as Abraham continues to walk according to the original calling summoning him in chapter 12.  His sojournings have led him to secure a title deed as pledge and security of God's promises to make of him a great nation with land and legacy of significance.  These events transpire in Hebron.  Little did Abraham know that this small piece of property would be central to events and family pilgrimages far beyond his day.  Abraham, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, and Leah would all join Sarah in this tomb.  From Hebron, Jacob would depart for Egypt during famine.  This region would become the property holdings of Caleb, the faithful sojourner, who received land from Joshua upon the conquest of Canaan centuries later.  Hebron would serve as a Levitical city of refuge.  David, the great king, would reside here as well, in the place of his anointing.  All this and more was fruit of Abraham's testimony of faith even as he approached the grave himself, burying his wife along the way...

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