December 29, 2019

Drawing Water – Isaiah 12

Passage: Isaiah 12
Service Type:

Today we conclude our series and study of 'new song' worship through the scriptures. We have referenced this concept of recognizing with proportional and appropriate praise, each new occasion to worship the Lord through several eras of redemptive history. Beginning in Psalm 98, where the call to new song worship is explicitly declared, we have noted such worship examples during the times of the kings, the incarnation, and the new heavens and the new earth. Today we conclude with a reference to similar praise from the prophets, namely: Isaiah, Here the prophet points forward to a time of deliverance and salvation for the people of God that will have world-wide effects. From the heart of the individual believer, to the universal publication of the crown rights of Jesus Christ, the scope of Messiah's kingdom will be commemorated by fitting and proper worship. In this brief poetic interlude, Isaiah provides his readers a glimpse of future glory and a call to future worship. The rest of his oracle and indeed, all of scripture, provides the context for references to the salvation of the Lord, and His deeds among the peoples which are worthy of such majestic praise...

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