January 15, 2023

Down to Egypt – Genesis 42:1-20

Passage: Genesis 42:1-20

At least 20 years have passed since Joseph and his family parted ways under horrific circumstances involving human trafficking, slave1y, deception, and jealousy. During this time, Joseph, having thrived in spite of all this, has risen to rule as 2nd in command of Egypt. He has learned a new language, he has married an Egyptian, he has served in Pharaoh's court for more than 7 years, and he is responsible for stewardship policies that are the last hope for feeding the known world during a horrible famine. It is no surprise after all these years, that Joseph's siblings have no idea who he is. Joseph, on the other hand, immediately recognizes his brothers and uses his position of knowledge and political power strategically to advance the purposes of God through the covenant family. The text of Genesis 42 presents big picture Redemptive themes and practical personal applications. A family might be reminded from this text why believers pray before their meals, reading how Joseph's brothers humbly bow, knowing that their lives depend on the good graces of Egypt's grand steward, so we ought to acknowledge the Lord our great provider. A magistrate may look to the example of Joseph who did not abuse his position for personal vengeance, but exercised restraint fearing God despite prior grievances. A Husband might be instructed by the journey of the brothers to Egypt of the great lengths to which he is called to provide for his family. A theologian might be inspired by this text to recognize key features of redemptive history featured here such as wilderness provision through the anointed servant of Yahweh culminating in Christ the "Bread of Life."