Divine Historiography – Psalm 78:40-55
March 11, 2018

Divine Historiography – Psalm 78:40-55

Passage: Psalm 78:40-55
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Mindful of the prologue of Asaph's Psalm in verses 1-8, we dig deeper into the history text book assigned for children of believers or more precisely: children of the covenantally faithful. We have established that Psalm 78, alongside the rest of scripture, presents and assumes a particular and self-conscious/ intentional philosophy of history. Asaph understands with the inspired authors of scripture that the study of history presupposes a framework for the discernment of facts is necessary to order and prioritize significant events which provide an interpretive grid for the meaning of the human experience through time. Education always entails the selective emphasis of signal facts to the exclusion of others. What are, therefore, the imperative reference points in the human experience? Which events are definitive moments in the record of human affairs? What are milestones that render meaningful progress measurable? In the movie “The Giver”, the living steward of cultural memory transfers his catalogue of significant information to the next generation. The few seconds of film where mental snap shots flit across the screen like “Life” magazine cover photos were among the most important in the entire movie, yet at the same time, were scenes most likely taken for granted. Asaph, as the steward of 'divine historiography', transfers to the submissive reader a catalogue of historical moments absolutely and perpetually definitive for the people of God through all redemptive history...

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