Disciplinary Affliction – Psalm 38
July 13, 2014

Disciplinary Affliction – Psalm 38

Passage: Psalm 38
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Inspired by this Psalm Spurgeon observes: “What a horrible creature man appears to be to his own consciousness when his depravity and vileness are fully opened up by the Law of God, applied by the Holy Spirit.” Psalm 38 holds our feet to the fire of chief concern addressing our basic maladies – our actual, fundamental problem. This ode of unmitigated brokenness provides a model of penitence, contrition, and confession. History indicates if you had visited Augustine in 430 A.D. on his deathbed, you could have read this and other penitent Psalms hanging on the wall and you could have heard Ps 38 uttered from his mouth over and over, as long as his withering frame would allow.

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