October 2, 2016

Deficits and Attainments – Hebrews 10:1-10

Passage: Hebrews 10:1-10
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As the genius of Hebrew's author continues to astound the spiritually attentive reader, it becomes more and more clear that the illuminating power of New Covenant realities equips the true believer with cross-covenantal understanding rivaling that of any pre-incarnation prophet. The difficult prescriptions and parameters of the Old Covenant shadows are a faint memory in light of their object and fulfillment. A man may stumble through a dark hallway which seems to him more of a burden than a benefit, but turn on the lights, and he appreciates more readily the architecture and purpose (form and function) of his environment. This is the difference our author highlights in our text today between the first order and the second order. The Old Covenant is notable in part for its deficiencies, while the New Covenant is stunning as the believer considers how these deficits are superseded in the attainments (accomplishments/works) of Christ. II Cor 3:12-18 describes the contrast in revelatory perspective evident from 2 different vantage points: History B.C. And history A. D.. Note the richness of passages such as Ps 40 given the lifted veil!

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