December 3, 2023

DEAR CORINTH – I Corinthians 1:1-9 – 12-3-23

Passage: I Corinthians 1:1-9

Paul introduces his letter to the Corinthian church by setting forth the ideal. His

affirmation and description of the church is inspiring and fundamental, drawing the attention of his

readers to the glory of God revealed through the body He establishes and upholds. Everything that

follows in the letter by way of exhortation, rebuke, and encouragement is with reference to this

description as the standard and goal. The positive greeting of Paul's letter would serve to reassure the

church 1n Corinth of the1r calling and legitimacy despite the challenges they faced w1thin and outs1de of

their congregation. Paul's heart for the church is magnified by the context and historical background

occasioning his epistles and letters to the Corinthians are no exception. Paul's own longsuffering with

this church is extraordinary. The l)roblems he wrote to address were se.rious and would al)pear

overwhelming to men of lesser faith in the Gospel to transform hearts and build churches. Paul's

patience with this oongregation was most certainly inspired by his own experience with the ~ife changing

power of Jesus Christ. The self-described "Chief of Sinners" did not soon forget his own obstinacy before

bowing in repentant obedience to his Lord and 'Savior on that Damascus road.