May 15, 2016

Davids Last Days – II Samuel 24

Passage: II Samuel 24
Service Type:

The first word of II Samuel chapter 24 indicates a note of context and begs the question: “To what former occasion for the anger of the Lord does our author refer?” The clearest indication comes in the final verse of chapter 24 when it records: “ the Lord responded to the plea for the land...”. This language is a direct parallel with the closing phrase of the Rizpah narrative (the subject of last week's message) in 21:14 “...after that, God responded to the plea for the land...” The events of chapter 21 may not be situated in II Samuel chronologically. Clues within the story lead us to assume the account would most naturally be associated with the transition from Saul to David's kingship. However, this point makes something else quite clear.. The cry of the land for atonement on account of covenant-breaking sin is a featured theme in the Biblical record of King David’s waning reign and bitter/sweet legacy.

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