September 10, 2023


Passage: Psalm 120

Psalm 120 introduces the 'Psalms of Ascent' section of the Psalter. Chapters 120-134 share this title which can be translated 'degrees', 'steps', or an upward direction or trajectory. Many have taken this collection as a hymnal to accompany the pilgrimage of the faithful unto temple worship in Jerusalem. The structural layout of this set of songs appears to favor this view. The first 3 songs are set in proximity to the holy habitation of the Lord with His people and would well accompany a sojourner who was far from Jerusalem but has set his face toward the holy city. Our passage today, the 1st of these songs, finds our author furthest away perhaps in the gentile lands of Meshech or Kedar. However distant he may be from the place of covenant assurance, it is apparent that his hope is in the Lord. Ps 121 lifts a watchful eye to the hills from where help is to be found as Psalm 122 is a call to journey unto worship in Jerusalem, home of the house of the Lord. As the psalms continue to progress, they culminate in chapters 132-134 in the temple itself. The worshippers have arrived and with them they bring their grateful and lavish sacrifices of praise. The 9-10 songs between express various themes and applications relating to the covenant hope of true Israel. From our vantage point in redemptive history, we can appreciate these musical confessions in light of their substantive fulfillment in Christ, even as we sing them on our way to glory and the marriage supper of the Lamb!