November 4, 2018

Crucified With Purpose – Galatians 2:15-21

Passage: Galatians 2:15-21
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Our text today is not only central to the theme and understanding of the book of Galatians, but also to the entirety of Paul's thesis on the Gospel and his personal motivation for ministry. Here we get to the bed rock of the Christian faith and gospel. The Cambridge Bible says of this passage and especially of verse 20: “...this verse strikes the key-note of the epistle, and is a summary of the whole Christian revelation subjectively considered. St. Paul here discloses to our view the secret of his life as a Christian and an apostle, the mainspring of his wonderful activity, the source and the object of the enthusiasm by which he was inspired. We know something of his life and his labors, here he tells us how that life was lived and why those labors were undergone. A full record of his teaching has been preserved for us. Here is a summary of it all.”
In typically thorough and precise Pauline fashion – the apostle drives his point home to the Galatians utilizing several means of argumentation, let us consider them today...

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