August 19, 2018

Crown of Creation – Genesis 1:26-31

Passage: Genesis 1:26-31
Service Type:

In our text today, the record of events on the 6th day of creation continue. More detail of God's creative work on this day is recorded than any of the others as the creation week reaches a glorious crescendo with the creation and calling of man himself. So significant is the work of God in relationship to humanity that Gen 1:26 signals a shift in theme that will remain for the duration of the entire Bible. The focus of special revelation is upon God's dealings with mankind. This is the central focus of redemption after the fall of man which will unfold almost immediately in the Genesis record. Contrary to prevailing assumptions in our paganizing world today – man is unique among all of the creatures by design and intent, not by accident. The reason for this focus does not ultimately rest with man however. Because God has invested His glory chiefly in mankind among all His creation – the story of humanity reveals the glory and purposes of God in high definition, and so the Bible unfolds...

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