June 17, 2018

Creation Revelation – Genesis 1:1-5

Passage: Genesis 1:1-5
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The creation of the universe – as with all the works of God – is a revelatory act. Intrinsic to its purpose, the record of the Bible's opening pages informs, instructs, and displays the manifold glory of God. The unique status of men and angels among all created beings allows us the capacity to behold and appreciate this revelation. None of the works of God are merely a means to an end, nothing revealed is mechanistic or utilitarian pragmatics of the meta-physical kind. In every place and time the works of God reveal Himself in resplendent contours and definite beauty. Too often we approach the issue of creation interested only in the mechanics, namely: how the universe got here. Restricting our interests to process alone blinds us to the true joys of discovery in God's general and special revelation. From the first words of Genesis, we not only discover the origins of the material universe, but we meet the Creator of heaven and earth in profound displays of Himself. May He grant us eyes to see and ears to hear Him through His word and world...

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