Covenant Lawsuit Song – Psalm 50
July 12, 2015

Covenant Lawsuit Song – Psalm 50

Passage: Psalm 50
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Psalm 50 reverberates like a trumpet blast in the ears of mankind signaling the supreme court of all the universe will now convene. A shudder of sobering anxiety ought to course through the spine of every mere mortal caught red handed in their lethargic routine of self-serving living. Divine court is now in session. Psalm 50 reminds us in legal tones that one day a decree will go out through all history to appear before the heavenly throne of God's justice. This song in the most terrifying reality imaginable for those devoid of a propitiation sacrifice. The righteousness of God and His just demands have been revealed throughout scripture in legal terms and so they appear here as well in a song structured like a formal lawsuit. This Psalm of Asaph compels the God fearer to bow before His honor glorifying YHWH with the sacrifice of thanksgiving.

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