April 18, 2021

COVENANT CONFIRMED – Genesis 22:15-24

Passage: Genesis 22:15-24

Two major structural elements in the Genesis record help us to understand the significance of events in chapter 22 in their greater context. The first element is the recurring emphasis on covenant throughout the biography of the patriarch. Gen 12 opens the early chapters of Abraham's life with covenant Promised. God reveals to His servant that He will make of him a great nation, and in Abraham all the families of the earth shall be blessed, therefore Abraham is to begin a pilgrimage out of a place of pagan idolatry unto a place of promise. In chapter 15 this covenant is Ratified by solemn oath ceremony wherein God Himself, swears to His own hurt to fulfill His Word. Chapter 17 the covenant is Signified. The sign of circumcision is prescribed to mark its membership and seal its meaning and future orientation. And in our text today, the covenant is Confirmed. Yahweh reassures Abraham of the promised blessings even as Abraham's faith endures an excruciating test. The 2nd major structural element in Genesis providing greater context for these events is the advent of “probation” or an occasion for testing by appointed judicial review. This aspect of covenant is as ancient as Adam who was tested in the garden and failed spectacularly welcoming the condemnation and consequences of sin upon the human race. Subsequent judicial reckoning visitations follow this tragic fall. Babel is visited when the Lord “comes down” to verify the testimony of their rebellion, likewise, Sodom and Gomorrah are visited with similar indictments. Yet in the case of Abraham, there is a contrast on record. In our text today, God visits with an appointed trial and Abraham is found faithful and obedient. In this event we have a foreshadow of a 2nd Adam yet to come. One who's probation and obedience will be sufficient to justify the elect who are covenantally bound to Him.

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