September 25, 2016

Contextual Illumination – Matthew 26:1-16

Passage: Matthew 26:1-16
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Through the course of our Matthew study we have seen numerous occasions where the teaching blocks of the record mutually reinforce the immediate narrative in the flow of gospel events. We've labeled this literary observation 'narrative/imperative continuity'. Our text today combined with the final discourse in Matthew's gospel is a great example of this phenomenon. This moment in the text is also significant in that it signals a shift in the focus of Jesus' earthly redemptive ministry. Here we see the events of Calvary begin to unfold. John Gill says of this portion: “Having finished His prophetic, and being about to enter on His priestly office, He gives His disciples some intimations of its near approach.” At this juncture we discover a striking change in tone. The record shifts from a declaration of the absolute, universal triumph of the King of Kings: Jesus Christ (the cosmic judge of all the universe proclaiming the destiny of eternal souls) to the humility of submitting to the most shameful, crushing death imaginable.

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