November 18, 2018

Closing Eden’s Door – Genesis 3:20-24

Passage: Genesis 3:20-24
Service Type:

Though the final chapter of paradise closes with notes of devastating sadness and the seal of judgement forever barring unassisted reentry – there are hopeful signs as well. The meaning of these symbol laden historical events is profound, albeit foreign to the untransformed mind, even appearing ridiculous and absurd to the Godless sceptic. The greater revelation of scripture, however, provides keys to a richer understanding of these final moments in Eden. Not only are they profound, they have everything to do with the gospel – God's redemptive plan yet to be revealed in Christ. One helpful point of perspective on the closing of Eden's door comes from the great commentator Matthew Henry. He says: “God revealed this to Adam, not to drive him to despair, but to quicken him to look for life and happiness in the promised seed by whom a new and living way into the holiest is laid open for us.” Using Henry's insightful categories summarizing the close of Genesis 3, it becomes apparent that all of history since Eden has been marked by the quest for life and happiness of those looking to the Messiah and those who look for life and happiness elsewhere in this fallen realm. The preferred path always comes up ultimately short, falling on the flaming sword that guards the premises of Eden from unauthorized invasion. There is only one way back to reconciliation with a Holy God. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ His Son and this way, though narrow, difficult, and unpopular, leads assuredly to glorious life eternal!

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