August 3, 2014

Christocracy – Hebrews 1:5-7

Passage: Hebrews 1:5-7
Service Type:

The author of Hebrews warns again the devastating and damning implications of suffering anything of the created realm to usurp so much as a square inch of Christ's throne. Even the idea of angels themselves sharing the glory of Christ would certainly undermine the church and its calling in relationship to their Lord and Savior. The church in every age must stand on and for the unwavering, uncompromisable, undaunted, unambiguous, unassailable, and absolute rule of Christ. Hughes writes of the author's case in point: “They (angels) are but instruments of His (Christ's) kingship and their ministry is but an expression of His sovereignty.” Amen, and so it ought to be with everything in the created realm.

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