June 24, 2018

By Design – Genesis 1:3-11

Passage: Genesis 1:3-11
Service Type:

Today's worship text (Psalm 148) details the appropriate response upon realizing the glory of God revealed in the account of Genesis one and subsequently evident all across the universe of His majestic works. Verse one describes a fitting sanctuary for this expression of worship – the heavens, in the heights, while verse 7 adds 'the earth'. Verses 2-3 identify those who ought to give Him praise, and even now, testify to His glory – angels, hosts, sun, moon, shinning stars, highest heavens, waters above the heavens. Verses 7-12 add to the congregation: sea creatures, deeps, fire, hail, snow, mist, stormy wind, mountains, hills, fruit trees, cedars, beasts, livestock, creeping things, flying birds. The list is rounded out calling Kings of the earth, all peoples, princes, all rulers of the earth, young men, maidens, old men, and children to praise the name of the Lord. Why? Might you ask... The Psalmist answers in verse 5-6: The Lord commanded, He spoke and all of the above were created. He established them forever and ever by His authoritative, final, and omnipotent decree! More reasons for this worship service are offered in closing (verse 13-14). Here Yahweh’s name alone is exalted, His majesty is above earth and heaven and He has raised up a horn (a means of strength and salvation) for His people. Indeed for all His saints who flourish near Him. ---- What passages of scripture might have inspired this exuberant song, nearly breathless with overflowing accolades for the Lord of Lords? Our text today would certainly be a candidate. Let us look closely at Genesis one in hopes that we may behold the glories of God that so moved the author of Psalm 148...

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