September 1, 2019

Bold, All Caps – Galatians 6:11-18

Passage: Galatians 6:11-18
Service Type:

The tone of emergency and necessary apostolic intervention carries all the way through the letter to the Galatians. Paul has dedicated particular personal attention to the church in in this Gentile region. One commentator has noted that his work in this regard was so pointed, thorough, and clear that the error of preaching circumcision as necessary for salvation seems ridiculous to our ears. The book continues to prove relevant in every age, however, given that the enemy of our souls is crafty and finds new ways to deny the sufficiency of the gospel of grace alone which saves us. The concerns that animated Paul the apostle were not limited to one church, one seductive teaching, or even one historical era. The true grounding of our faith is a necessary buttress to stand in the battle waged against the truth in every age. Paul draws special attention to his words of warning and benediction to the Galatian church by pointing out that this letter was painstakingly written by his own hand in large letters, perhaps in part because his vision was impaired (4:15) through physical affliction he has suffered, yet emphasizing in addition how important these precious words were for the life of the church unto the glory of God and the proclamation of the unadulterated Gospel...

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