July 3, 2016

Blood Types – Hebrews 9:1-15

Passage: Hebrews 9:1-15
Service Type:

The author of Hebrews has thoroughly employed the thematic content of the covenants of old to reveal the communion and perfection achieved in the gospel of Jesus Christ. His argument recapitulates 'lesser to greater' reasoning with each topic of revelation explored. Among these are expositions with reference to prophets, patriarchs, promises, priestly order, covenant, and in our chapter today... ritual tabernacle worship. Drawing exhaustively and precisely from the ceremonial duties of the Old Covenant, our author proclaims the Gospel in its comprehensive and theologically rich glory. From the 'Day of Atonement' proceedings, to routine tabernacle maintenance, Leviticus and Numbers proclaim Christ. The sufficiency and continuity of the Word of God is evident in the message of Hebrews. Some of the most neglected passages of scripture are laced with priceless gospel treasures.

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