June 28, 2015

Blindmans Bluff – Mat 20:29-33

Passage: Mat 20:29-33
Service Type:

Progress ascending to Jerusalem is halted yet again for a brief six verse record of a profound incident involving one of the last recorded healings during the ministry of Christ This providential interruption serves to potently illustrate manifold gospel concepts summarized by object lesson in this event. As Jesus' ministry transitions to the latter chapters, two blind men are healed and demonstrate spiritual sight as they join His followers at the 11th hour. The 'denarius' of revelation they receive in spite of these conditions is every bit as much as Jesus' earliest disciples. The parables come alive in the gospel narrative and this is a brilliant example. We pick up on the account 8 miles west of Jordan, 19 miles north east from Jerusalem, in Jericho, on the path toward the triumphal entry..

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