July 30, 2023

BLESSINGS IN EGYPT – Genesis 47:1-17

Passage: Genesis 47:1-17

The time has come to approach the courts of Pharaoh. Naturally speaking, it is hard to imagine a more intimidating set of circumstances for Jacob and his sons save one detail. Facing immanent starvation, this tribe is desperate for provisions and has travelled great lengths to seek refuge in Egypt. “This strategy has not worked our so well in the past”, Jacob may well have thought, remembering his grandfather's woes in Egypt so long ago. With little to offer and little to loose, nevertheless, Jacob and five select sons are led to audience with Pharaoh; the greatest of earthly kings by far due to wide spread famine. The saving grace in Jacob's family's fortunes came by way of their ambassador, Joseph, who was sent ahead in the providence of God to prepare the way for the covenant family. As a result, Jacob's household is welcomed by Pharaoh. In fact, the tribe of Israel is to become the royal shepherds of the empire as Pharaoh entrusts the care of his flocks to them. In the mercy and genius of God, Pharaoh, having greatly benefited from the wisdom and stewardship of Joseph with respect to the food stuffs of Egypt, is pleased to appoint Joseph's family to manage additional aspects of the kingdom as well. Against all odds, blessings pour down upon the house of Jacob even in exile and famine. This favor of the Lord and with Pharaoh is immediately evident as Jacob and company meet the Lord of the Lord of the Land for the first time.