BATTLE TESTED WISDOM – Proverbs 6:23-35 – 1-19-25
A useful device in case-law literature is sometimes called “citing the minimal case”. The idea is to demonstrate the application of the law in a situation of minor significance. By implication then the reader understands that this law would surely apply in principle to any situation of greater importance. The purpose of this device is to efficiently delineate the scope of a law without exhaustively listing every potential instance of application. A classic example would be Paul’s exposition of the ox & his “wages” (I Tim 5:27-28). His point here: If the farmer is morally obligated to feed his working livestock then those who labor in the ministry are certainly worthy of the church’s support.
In the context of ‘wisdom literature’ a similar device is featured in our text. In calling the student of wisdom to integrity and righteousness in the context of romantic relationships and sexual temptation, Solomon is citing “the most difficult case” to illustrate the sufficiency of wisdom. Our passage is a proclamation that godly instruction is effective to guide and guard what might otherwise be the most obstinate student facing the greatest of temptations. Sexual temptations are a significant test of wisdom. In the warnings against adultery in chapters 5 through 7 we consider situations where wisdom is often disregarded and consequences of doing so are most devastating