January 7, 2018

Attention! – Hebrews 12: 25-29

Passage: Hebrews 12: 25-29
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Our text today, follows a pattern throughout the book of Hebrews which has proven a favorite persuasive device of the author. At moments like this in the text, he will call our attention to consider more carefully the intense reality and weight of a particular instance of Old Covenant revelation. He then pivots to emphasize that which is revealed in Christ is weightier still. These passages are often cited in a warning tone, admonishing the hearer to wake up from the sleepy stupor of apostasy (falling away from one's professed faith). 2:1-3, 3:1-5, 10:28-29 are such examples joining 1:1-4, 8:6, 9:14, and 12:9 which employ this literary device more broadly. In this way, the book of Hebrews directly addresses and repudiates a rampant heresy of our day. Often explicitly affirmed and even more frequently implicitly held – people commonly presume that the Christian faith is much more 'easy going' and 'laid back' these days than religion once was in the Old Testament. The author of Hebrews shouts “false!” to this notion with an exclamation points that come by way of three contextually meaningful references the intensity of which is surpassed only in New Covenant application.

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