September 8, 2024

ASCENT LANDMARKS – Psalm 132 – 9-8-2024

Passage: Psalm 132

The final three songs of this division in the Psalter introduced by Psalm 132 all include references to the apex of the songs of the ascent. The destination and desire of every faithful pilgrim is poetically proclaimed in these songs. “May the Lord grant us entry to the place of his dwelling and the fullness of covenant promises fulfilled”, the authors cry.  Psalm 132 is structured around four weighty symbolic references to the communion of God and man pictured in the temple worship order revealed to Moses and later restored and enhanced under David & Solomon. Each reference contains an appeal to prophetic assurances proclaimed in years past which grounds the author’s prayerful worship.  Answers to the heart cry of Ps 132 all hinge on one central confession & petition expressed in verse 10.  Here the singer pleads for the presence & favor of YAHWEH’s anointed one to visit them face to face.  Appropriately, centuries later, the angel Gabriel would reveal to Mary the child conceived in her womb by the power of the Holy Spirit was the heir to David’s throne.  The anointed Messiah worshipped in Psalm 132 had visited His people to save and to rule forever!