July 29, 2018

Architecture of Reality – Genesis 1:3-28

Passage: Genesis 1:3-28
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Within the creation narrative of scripture, we have infinitely more than a journalist's first person observations of a historical event. We are beholding, in the first pages of Genesis, the definitive building blocks of reality itself. The nature of material existence as it relates to the nature of God. Just as Genesis one stands in contradiction to life origin theories that ascribe sovereignty to chaos – so the Word of God, from the beginning, stands in contradiction to vain philosophies which assume the sovereignty of man. God reveals to us in His creation account that He is Lord of the material and the immaterial. He is the sovereign over earth and space just as He is Lord of time, history, ethics, meaning, knowledge, beauty, logic, righteousness, and redemption. The building blocks for the language of God's self-disclosure through all these aspects of reality are present in seed form – or distilled revelation – in the Genesis creation account. As we grow in recognizing and connecting through scripture the means that God employs to reveal divine truth; our faith, our worship, our resolve amidst a culture of unbelief, our witness, and our fear of the Lord will also grow. To help us toward this end, let us focus on the works of God in creation signaled by several key verbs...

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