July 6, 2014

Anatomy of Prologue – Hebrews 1:1-4

Passage: Hebrews 1:1-4
Service Type:

Where should we begin when addressing a church dangerously drifting from the anchor of its faith? The author of Hebrews answers this question with his prologue, a densely saturated juggernaut of spiritual, epistemological, and didactic priority. This prescription for apostate tendencies begins, expounds, and concludes with the supremacy of Christ. The church then, as today, was tempted to embrace a humanistic fallback position. May we heed the warning for the church immemorial. We will demonstrate we retain ears to hear as we consider Christ as the Last Word... final, complete, decisive, uncontested, irrefutable, omnipotent, incorruptible, creative, sustaining, and conclusive. (Other prologues to compare: Gen 1, John 1, Eph 1, and Col 1)

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