July 26, 2015

All in One – Matthew 21:6-17

Passage: Matthew 21:6-17
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Our text today drowns out the hecklers of popular culture and secular academia who have reduced the Bible in the minds of the worldly to an incidental anthology of cultic practices couched in a history distorted by primitive, mythical, and ethnic bias. Let us consider the contextual scope of these 12 verses alone and see who's the fool.... modern higher critics like Bart Ehrman – or – the source inspiring scripture. The Bible is inerrant in everything in intends to convey – or it is not the Word of God... and if God has not spoken, man is aimless and lost, the quest for knowledge is a fool's errand, and we are all a-moral, walking dead zombies... just gurgling sacks of biological happenstance. Many aspects of the Gospels are myopically viewed as contradictory in our day. Upon closer analysis, however, these anomalies actually stand to illustrate the glory and primacy of scripture. Matthew 21 strengthens our faith against the fiery darts of skepticism.

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