March 28, 2021

ABRAHAM AS WITNESS – Genesis 22:1-14 – John 8:48-58

Passage: Genesis 22:1-14

 Romans 1:20 reveals that all men of every generation are without excuse in their unbelief because God has revealed Himself in the things that have been made sufficient to condemn the Gentile for his rebellion against his creator.  There is an additional category of individuals, however, who Jesus addresses even more directly in His ministry.  This would be the Jews, or more generally, those with access to the written Word of God.  For those who have been confronted by 'special revelation' and remain unrepentant, there are additional witnesses to their guilt and obstinance.  These witnesses condemning those who reject the Gospel include men like Abraham who experienced and proclaimed the Word of the Lord from ages past.  Thus he is subpoenaed as a witness, among with others, in the course of Jesus' teaching ministry as our Lord prosecutes a covenant law suit against the hard-hearted hearers of His day.  He declares to those who called Him a demon possessed Samaritan (Jn 8:48)... “Your Father Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day.  He saw it and was glad” (Jn 8:56).  This indictment, calling Abraham to witness against the generation of His hearers, revealed their sinfulness and rebellion blaspheming the One who indeed was the”I AM” before Abraham existed (Jn 8:58).  This confrontation raises an interesting question: When and how did Abraham see Jesus' day? Certainly a great portion of the answer can be found in our recent study of Gen 22:1-14. 

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