January 18, 2015

Ables Blood Singing – Psalm 44:9-26

Passage: Psalms 44:9-26
Service Type:

After the 'Selah', Psalm 44 unfolds as a prophetic hymn for the persecuted church. This is a representative appeal prerecorded in the Psalms for God's afflicted people of all ages who share in the sufferings of Christ. The installment of this song in the Psalter is empirical evidence of the compassion of the Lord on those who endure anguish and torture for His namesake in this veil of tears. These words foretell and anticipate the conditions and context of the early church often dominated by imperial powers making war with Christ and, by extension, His body. Ps 44 answers the question: “What is the sound of Able's blood?” (Gen 4:8-10) We hear the cry reach our ears that moves us to consider the plight and plea of our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ even today.

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