July 18, 2021

A TALE OF 4 WELLS – Genesis 26:6-35

Passage: Genesis 26:6-35

The duration of Isaac's stay in Gerar mirrors the experiences and growing influence of Abraham who preceded him. In Gen 20, Abraham enters this region as a timid sojourner only to witness the tables turn as God prospers him and the inhabitants increasingly recognize that he is “ a prince of God among them” (23:6). This is the confession of the Hittites as Abraham engages in negotiations for a burial plot – the only piece of property he laid tangible claim to in Canaan at the time of his death. Now we see his legacy continuing in the next generation according to both his weaknesses and his strengths. Just as Abraham's journey was marked by unfolding events between altar worthy visitations, so Isaac's journey is marked by the digging of wells. There are at least 4 of these significant places mentioned in Gen 26. They serve as milestones connecting the dots of Isaac's journey of faith even as they are named for thematic events which commemorate the purposes and providence of God throughout his days. These signal themes chart the course of Isaac’s journey in light of the covenant. Well springs of water are symbolic markers throughout scripture. We have witnessed Hagar introduced to Yahweh Himself at a well of water (21:19), the Angel of the Lord having preciously visited her at a spring of water in the wilderness (16:7). Isaac's descendents will encounter springs of water gushing forth from stone upon their return to this very land (Ex 17:6). And one day Jesus Himself will be asked one of the most important questions in history at the site of a well associated with Isaac's covenant son Jacob.... The Samaritan woman asks (John 4:12-14): “are you greater than our father Jacob?” Jesus the true covenant Son answers: Whoever drinks of the water that I will give will never be thirst again...”!

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