August 15, 2021

A SOVEREIGN BLESSING – Genesis 27:26-41

Passage: Genesis 27:26-41

The faithfulness of the ultimate Covenant Keeper – Yahweh Himself – continues to be the only redeeming element in this account of covenant succession and patriarchal blessing. Isaac’s negligence in this regard is evident in contrast to the testimony of his father. Though Abraham had his share of faults and failures, he had no delusions as to God's purposes in messianic lineage. He understood and affirmed the sovereign election of God in choosing Isaac as the child of promise. He proclaimed this to his family via covenant meal at Isaac's weaning in chapter 21. He obediently followed the voice of God to Mount Moriah with his son (Gen 22), his only covenant son – Isaac. Here father & son heard the Word of God unequivocally affirming His sovereign purposes through the son of promise. Our text today, however, documents the devastating confusion and consequences when the Word of God is obscured in the hearts of men on account of their fleshly preferences. There is a showdown in these circumstances between the Word of God and the word of sinful man, God's Word wins in the end, but it is brought to bear with discipline and judgement. For Isaac and Jacob, these events would provide necessary rebuke and correction. Yet for Esau, in his state of un-repentance, there remains only curse and condemnation Our response to this record of God's divine intervention preserving the plan of redemption in spite of sinners could well be the climatic confession of the 'Hallel' Psalms we have studied recently: “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good: for His steadfast love endures forever! (Ps 118:29)

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