December 26, 2021

A SON OF DAVID & DESCENDING ANGELS – Matthew 1:18-25, 2:13-15, 2:19-23

Passage: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:13-15, 2:19-23

Concluding this series with the record of descending angels unto Joseph, we have thus documented that the advent of incarnation was punctuated by the presence of divine revelation and by angelic activity heightened by the occasion (Jn 1:51). We have witnessed these agents of God's sovereign decree ascending and descending, not just to shepherds, but to the priest Zechariah, the virgin May, and now, to her betrothed... Joseph. Joseph would prove to be the earthly father of Jesus led by the same Spirit who miraculously conceived hos son, to adopt Him and to take Mary to be his wife just the same. Perhaps Joseph is the most prominent character in the birth of Christ narrative who commands the least attention in the imagination and traditions surrounding the Christmas holiday season. Ironically, the opposite is true of the scriptural account itself. No one received more frequent divine/angelic visitations and heavenly dreams than Joseph around the time of Jesus' incarnation and earliest years. Joseph witnessed descending angels on a least 3 occasions and divine revelation via dream at least 4 times as recorded in the first 2 chapters of Matthew's gospel. This disconnect is nothing new. Matthew would later record the attitude of the people in Joseph’s region. The perspective of Joseph's neighbors and associates given his ordinary vocation, social standing, family affiliation, and residence was one of dismissive unbelief/incredulity. Heaven's perspective was different however... the world saw a carpenter, but the angel saw a son of David...

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