December 20, 2015

A Set Up to Shut Up – Matthew 22:41-45

Passage: Matthew 22:41-45
Service Type:

The Webster's definition of 'jujitsu' is: “An art of weaponless fighting employing holds,
throws, and paralyzing blows to subdue or disable an opponent.” I cannot imagine a better description of the
rhetorical prowess of Jesus Christ demonstrated in our text today as He confronts the culturally influential
factions who sought actively and intensely to undermine Him at every turn in His ministry. The Word Incarnate
silences every mouth and judges every detractor effortlessly. Here we see Christ in action. The enemy’s best
defenses are employed as weapons against himself in spectacular displays all through history and this is apparent
even here where intellectual and religious elites go head to head with Jesus' perfect wisdom. Behold the children
that justify her! (Luke 7:35). In the providence of God, much of the territory we have covered in recent
messages from Hebrews will serve to buttress today's sermon. Also, let us consider a question we will return to
at the close of this message: “What do you think about the Christ?”

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